About us | Services | English support | Location/Direction | Donate

About us

We are a Christian, protestant, free, evangelical, Bible-believing church. 

We identify with thesis and principles of (First) Reformation, although historically we were established few centuries later than the first protestant churches (e.g. Lutheran). We believe that the only inspired word of God is the Holy Bible (the collection consisting of 66 books) and salvation is available only in (God-man) Jesus Christ, because of His sacrifice on the cross (where He died, but resurrected three days later), given by grace and aquired by faith. We believe in Holy Trinity, including Holy Spirit, as one of manifestations of God. We baptise through immersion believers at the conscious age. We belong to the more conservative wing of protestantism, not following modern changes.

We exist in fact for over 7 decades in Bydgoszcz, and for over 4 decades as a church in current character. We are the part of the Evangelical Christian Church in Poland having about 40 main congregations in our country, also some further smaller subcongregations.


Our main services are each Sunday from 10:00 (10:00 am) (local time). They are filled with worship, prayers and preaching. Our Sunday services are transmitted live on YouTube (and available later on) on our channel.

We also gather each Thursday from 18:00 (6:00 pm) (local time) on prayer meeting or Bible study (every other week), whole year.

You can be a part of a meeting without any additional conditions, no matter your background is. Our only kind request to you is to turn off sound in your mobile devices.

We have also meetings for women, men, youth and children during a month, also Sunday school lessons for children (during Sunday services). Most of these additional meetings do not occur during summer holidays (July-August). Details can be found on our Services and gatherings subsite or on Facebook page (both Polish only).

English support

We do not provide English translation during a services, but please feel free to join us (especially on Sunday). You will experience community with God's children through one Holy Spirit. If you want, you can pray in your native language, when there is time to that.

After service we have informal time with coffee or tea (across the hall), where you should not have a problem to find English-speaking persons, willing to talk to you.

church location – click to enlargeLocation/Direction

We are located in south-western part of Bydgoszcz on Czerwonego Krzyża Street 46 (between this street and Huzarska street). In Google Maps look for „Kościół Ewangelicznych Chrześcijan - Zbór w Bydgoszczy” or use geographical coordinates: 53.12354755 (latitude), 17.96313465 (longitude) or 53°7'24" N; 17°57'47" E (open in Google Maps).

You can come using public transport – very close to the church there is a bus stop line no. 64 going from the center-east of the city. Get off bus on the bus stop „Władysława IV / Czerwonego Krzyża”, then go right to the first crossroad, next turn left and just few hundreds meters further you will see the church building. If you come by car, you can park either on the church permises (including lawn/grass part inside the fence) or next to the building on the street (but do not park on the grass outside of fence).


If you would like to support us, you can do it by making a bank transfer to the account no.:
PL61 1240 3493 1111 0010 3099 0002
Kościół Ewangelicznych Chrześcijan - Zbór w Bydgoszczy or Evangelical Christian Church in Bydgoszcz
(in case transfer is done from Polish account, above number does not require „PL” part).
If you want to donate cash (even in non-Polish currency), you can do it during last part of Sunday service to the black bags provided by brothers.